Clinical and socio-demographic profile of children with hearing impairment who had undergone cochlear implant surgery
Cochlear disease, Cochlear implant, Deaf, TympanotomyAbstract
Background: The aim was to analyze the clinical and socio-demographic profile of children with hearing impairment who had undergone cochlear implant surgery in a tertiary care centre in central India.
Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted in Department of Pediatrics, Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh during the period from January 2014 to December 2017 to find out clinical and socio-demographic profile of cochlear implant patient.
Results: A total of 114 patients have been operated via posterior tympanotomy (MPTA) approach at present centre. Out of which 61(54%) were males and 53(47%) were females with a mean average age 5 years and 11 months. The number of patients with right ear defect were 107 (93%) whereas with left ear were as low as 7 (6%). Most of the patients with cochlear disease were from lower socio-economic class and was not highly educated who lived in rented or kachcha houses. They were mostly living in big families with limited space with minimum earnings. 90% of the total patients had normal siblings with no deafness and only family had previous deaf child whose male baby was operated.
Conclusions: Present study highlights that problem of hearing impairment is prevalent in population. Although treatment for this condition is freely available under Government scheme, but lack of awareness results in late presentation to facilities. There is a need to spread awareness amongst the population and regular screening at birth.
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