Estimation of coverage of pulse polio immunization round on 28th January 2018
Awareness, Community participation, Eradication, Poliomyelitis, Pulse polio immunisationAbstract
Background: India accounted for more than 50% of polio cases globally. India therefore started the intensive pulse polio immunization (IPPI) in 1995. The national immunization days (NID) were on 28th January and 11th March 2018. The objectives of this study were to determine the completeness of pulse polio immunization round on 28th January 2018, to evaluate the reasons for non-compliance of the community towards the vaccination round, to assess the demographic profile amongst the unvaccinated children.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among 570 children of zero-five years were checked in major areas of Pune that is Katraj Zoo, Swargate, Saras baug and a school in Dhankawadi. The data was collected after the first round of PPI by viewing the ink mark on the left little finger nail of the child or by interviewing the parents. SIA monitoring chart was used to assess the completeness of immunization campaign. Statistical analysis: Microsoft Excel were used to calculate percentages.
Results: Out of 570, 69 (12.1%) were unvaccinated with the highest number seen in nursery that is 28 (40.6%). Amongst the unvaccinated (n=69), 40 (57.9%) were males. In the unvaccinated children (n=69), 13 (18.84%) and 56 (81.15%) belonged to age group of zero-two years and two-five years respectively. Reasons for being unvaccinated were 29(42%) parents were unaware of time and place of PPI, 21 (30.4%) were outside Pune and 19 (27.5%) were unwilling due to false beliefs..
Conclusions: Awareness should be increased about benefits of PPI through mass media, local leaders and teachers to enhance community participation. The authorities’ in charge of the PPI should be informed regarding areas lacking significant coverage so that they can be concentrated upon during subsequent PPI rounds ultimately contributing to eradicate poliomyelitis.
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