Study to determine gender variation in severe acute malnutrition at nutrition rehabilitation centre
Anthropometric measurements, Nutrition rehabilitation centre (NRC), Rashtriya bal swasthya karyakram (RBSK), Severe acute malnutrition (SAM)Abstract
Background: The objective of this study is to know the gender variation in number of admissions, severity of malnutrition at the time of admission, gaining of weight and adherence to follow up in children admitted to nutrition rehabilitation center and during follow up.
Methods: This is a retrospective study involving the review of existing programme records. Children who were admitted to nutrition rehabilitation centre, district hospital, Chamarajanagar, Karnataka, India, between January 2017 to December 2017 with severe acute malnutrition were involved in the study. The programme included 2 weeks of in-patient care, and four follow-up visits to the NRC subsequently as follows; 1st visit at 7 days, 2nd at 14 days, 3rd at 1 month and 4th at 2 months after discharge.
Results: Among 57 children who admitted to NRC females were 30 (52.6%) and males 27 47.4%). 25 among 57 children (43.9%) could sustain weight gain of >5grams/kg/day as per one of the discharge criteria. 13 (52%) were females and 12 (48%) were males. 32(56%) among 57 admitted children to NRC, could achieve <-1SD during entire programmed. 15(46.8%) were females and 17 (53.1%) were males.
Conclusions: There was no gender variation in either number of admission or severity of malnutrition at the time of admission or weight gain during NRC programme.
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