The effect of ladder approach on development of preterm low birth weight infants with HIE-2
Brain, HIE-2, Neurodevelopment, Neurobehavioral status, Premature infantAbstract
Background: Premature infants with Peri-natal asphyxia leading to a hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) are at greater risk for cerebral palsy. HIE grade II infants have long term neurological complications due to maladaptive brain wiring during NICU stay. Ladder approach, with graded stimulation program is administered by Occupational therapist, plays a vital role to minimize the maladaptive responses to environment. Objective of this study was to effect of Ladder Approach on preterm low birth weight Infants with HIE-2 as compared to conventional treatment. Design of this study was to Prospective Block Randomized Convenient Sampling Control Trial, Experimental design study. The study was carried out in the NICU and PU ward of Tertiary care hospital in metropolitan city from April 2015 to October 2016. The study subjects included a convenient sample of 30 preterm Low birth weight HIE-2 infants randomly selected into study or control groups. Neonatal behavioural Assessment scale (NBAS), Infant Neurological International Battery (INFANIB).
Methods: The preterm infants from study group who received Ladder Approach and control group who received routine conventional care only. Outcome measures NBAS was at baseline and first follow up. INFANIB was administered at second follow up to assess neurodevelopment.
Results: Showed that the premature infants of the study had significant difference in neuro behavioral status with mean for all subcomponents from to post intervention mean 39.6 in experimental group and from baseline mean of 24.3 to post intervention mean score of 33.2 in control group on neurobehavioral scale. Further neurodevelopmental status showed similar results on INFANIB in experimental group.
Conclusions: The premature Infants with HIE grade 2, receiving ladder approach have shown more mature responses resulting into well-organized Neurobehavioral status, and resulted in improved brain wiring as evident in INFANIB.
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