Clinico-biochemical profile of hypoglycemia in neonates admitted in NICU
Hypoglycemia, Low birth weight, Pre-term, Small for gestational ageAbstract
Background: In high risk neonates’ incidence of hypoglycemia is up to 30%. There is limited evidence-based consensus regarding screening and management of neonates at risk of hypoglycemia. This study was undertaken to know the incidence, clinical profile, sequential blood glucose level upto 72 hours and short-term outcome of neonatal hypoglycemia.
Methods: Blood sugar was screened at admission, after feed or D10 bolus, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of age. Detailed maternal history and neonatal history, clinical manifestation, management and short-term outcome of hypoglycemic neonates were noted. Statistical analysis of data was done by SPSS 22.0 software.
Results: 200 neonates with blood glucose less than 40mg/dl at admission to NICU in which 47 had repeat episode of hypoglycemia. Incidence of hypoglycemia at admission was 22.49% and 5.29% was incidence of repeat episode of hypoglycemia. Pre-term (p=0.005), low birth weight (p=0.020) and SGA (p=0.012) had repeat episode of hypoglycemia. GDM (p=0.040), birth asphyxia (p=0.046) and early septicaemia (p=0.0001) were common risk factors for hypoglycemia. Poor feeding, jitteriness and respiratory abnormality were common presentation of hypoglycemic neonates. The blood glucose levels at admission were less than 30 mg/dl in neonates who later had repeat episode of hypoglycemia. Most hypoglycemic episode after admission occurred within 24 hours of life.
Conclusions: LBW especially Preterm SGA neonates are at increased risk of hypoglycemia. Maternal and neonatal risk factors are GDM and birth asphyxia, early septicaemia. Screening for hypoglycemia is essential for high-risk neonates.
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