Adolescence and sexually transmitted infections: the case in the coastal regions in Madagascar


  • Arthur BA Ratsimbazafy Department of Mother and Child, Faculty of Medicine, Toamasina, Madagascar
  • Andry M. Andrianarivelo Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Hery S. Razafindrakoto Department of Mother and Child, Faculty of Medicine, Toamasina, Madagascar
  • Judicael Andriafanjanomenjanahary Department of Mother and Child, Faculty of Medicine, Toamasina, Madagascar
  • Francklin Andriantsoa Department of Mother and Child, Faculty of Medicine, Toamasina, Madagascar
  • Norotiana Rabesandratana Department of Mother and Child, Faculty of Medicine, Toamasina, Madagascar



STI, Madagascar


Background: In order to update the knowledge concerning the sexually transmitted infection (STI) found among adolescents in the coastal regions in Madagascar, we lead a study among adolescents who come in consultation in 12 health centers of Toamasina city which is a tourist town and one of the economic exchange places located in a coastal region of Madagascar. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiology of STI found among adolescents in Toamasina city.

Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study from the month of January until the month of December 2014. We have included the case of STI suspected clinically encountered among adolescents come in consultation at 12 Health Centers of Toamasina city Madagascar.

Results: During the year 2014, 11757 cases of STI have been registered among all patients gathered together (adolescent and adult), among which 1110 cases of STI (9.58%) were clinically suspected in adolescents before the presence of flow and/or genital ulceration. The adolescents in the age group of 16 to 18 years are predominant among 887 cases of STI (79.9%). The majority of adolescents seen in consultation for suspicion of STI are female with a total number of 840 (75.67%). T. vaginalis predominates with 266 cases (80%), alone or associated with N. gonorrhea or to T. pallidum.

Conclusions: The fight against STI among adolescents is still a major problem in the coastal regions of Madagascar and always remains of news despite the voluntary efforts of health workers. The adolescents of the female sex are the most affected by STI and deserves all the attention.


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How to Cite

Ratsimbazafy, A. B., Andrianarivelo, A. M., Razafindrakoto, H. S., Andriafanjanomenjanahary, J., Andriantsoa, F., & Rabesandratana, N. (2016). Adolescence and sexually transmitted infections: the case in the coastal regions in Madagascar. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 3(3), 778–783.



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