Sociodemographic and clinical profile of human milk donors and their infants in a model human milk bank: a descriptive cross-sectional study


  • Anitha M. Balachandran Department of Neonatology, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Kamalarathnam C. N. Department of Neonatology, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Mangala Bharathi S. Department of Neonatology, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



Clinical, Donors’ infants, Human milk banking, Milk donors, Regular donation, Sociodemographic


Background: Human milk banking depends on donations and characterization of donors seems important. We aimed to determine prevalence of human milk donors and profile of regular donors and their infants.

Methods: Cross-sectional study done on human milk donors in model HMB in tertiary NICU for six months.  Donors who had donated for more than 30% of their hospital stay considered as regular donors. Their sociodemographic and clinical profile along with their infant status recorded from history, examination and health records.

Results: Prevalence of Human milk donors in our HMB was 71.3% and that of regular donors was 27.08%. 616 eligible to donate. 234 regular donors included separating 382 defaulters. Excluding 17, 217 regular donors enrolled. Religious beliefs did not deter donation. 65.43% had school education. 90% donors belonged to middle socioeconomic class. Three fourths already had 2 living children. Majority delivered vaginally (62.67%) in health facility offering level II neonatal NICU care (42.86%). Regular donors stayed in hospital with their sick infants for mean (SD) period of 13 (4.21) days. Mean (SD) Post-natal age of commencement of milk donation among regular donors was 9 (3.47) days. Breast-feeding rate was 87.09%. Regular donors had delivered very low birth weight (42.86%), SGA (53.46%) infants who stayed in hospital for mean (SD) duration 18 (6.86) days.

Conclusions: The prevalence of Human milk donors in our HMB was 71.3%. Only one third of them were regular donors. No religious barriers for donation observed. Educated socioeconomically secure multiparous donors made sustained donations. Health status and length of Postnatal stay in hospital of mothers and infants seemed to have a bearing on sustained donation.



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How to Cite

Balachandran, A. M., C. N., K., & S., M. B. (2018). Sociodemographic and clinical profile of human milk donors and their infants in a model human milk bank: a descriptive cross-sectional study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 5(5), 1775–1780.



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