Incidence of hypoglycemia in newborns with risk factors


  • Thinesh Kumar J. Department of Neonatology, Madras Medical College, Chennai, India
  • Vaideeswaran M. Department of Neonatology, Madras Medical College, Chennai, India
  • Arasar Seeralar T. Department of Neonatology, Madras Medical College, Chennai, India



Incidence, Hypoglycemia, Newborns, Risk factors


Background: The incidence of hypoglycemia varies worldwide according to the protocols and feeding Policies. There is paucity of data on Incidence of hypoglycemia in institutions where exclusive breastfeeding is followed. Objectives of this study was to study the incidence of hypoglycemia in newborns with risk factors and to study the differences in incidence between at risk groups.

Methods: The Observational study was conducted in babies born with risk factors for hypoglycemia, infant of diabetic mother (IGDM/IDM), LGA (birthweight >90th percentile), SGA (birth weight <10th percentile), low birth weight (>1800 to <2500 grams) and preterm (35 - 37 weeks). babies on formula or pre-lacteal feed, major congenital malformations and admitted in NICU for other reasons were excluded. Hypoglycemia screening was done at 2, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours of life, prior to feeding.

Results: The incidence of hypoglycemia in newborns with risk factors was 33.3%. Out of 1883 Babies born with risk factors, 627 Babies developed at least one episode of hypoglycemia. Of these, 576 (30.3%) were asymptomatic hypoglycemia and 51 (3.0%) symptomatic hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia was seen in 42% of SGA, 33% of IDM, 19% of preterm and 10% of LGA babies. About 51% of newborns developed hypoglycemia at 2 hours of life and about 31% of newborns at 6 hours of life. No hypoglycemic episodes were noted after 24 hours of life.

Conclusions: Hypoglycemia screening should be done at regular interval, more specifically at first 24 hours of life in at risk babies where Exclusive Breastfeeding is followed.


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How to Cite

J., T. K., M., V., & T., A. S. (2018). Incidence of hypoglycemia in newborns with risk factors. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 5(5), 1952–1955.



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