Comparison of gestational age assessment by new ballard score and parkin score in neonates
Gestational age, New Ballard Score, Naegele’s Rule, Parkin’s ScoreAbstract
Background: In newborn, both normal and sick, gestational age (GA) is important to evaluate the risks of morbidity and mortality and may modify the line of management. The objective of the present study was to compare the New Ballard Score (NBS) and Parkin’s score in estimating GA among normal neonates, sick neonates.
Methods: Observational analytical study of 500 neonates, who qualified the selection criteria. GA estimated by Naegele’s rule (G-LMP), NBS and Parkin score. Data collected and analysed by SPSS 21.
Results: The mean gestational age as estimated by last menstrual period was 37.7 weeks; NBS- 37.66 weeks, Parkin score-37.7 weeks. Mean difference between the two scores estimating GA in all neonates was 3.75 days, in normal neonates- 3.61 days, sick neonates-3.7 days. NBS and Parkin score were calculated in both groups, had strong positive correlation (p value <0.05) with G-LMP. GA calculated using NBS and Parkin score had a strong positive correlation (p value <0.05). in all sick neonates except HIE-3 and RDS, NBS had significant correlation with G-LMP, but Parkin score had significant correlation with all. The mean difference between the two scores with RDS and HIE-3 was 11.64 days. Total crying episodes in NBS were 334 and Parkin score were 124. Mean time taken to complete NBS was 5 min 33 sec and Parkin score was 1 min 36 sec.
Conclusions: GA of sick neonates with HIE-3 and RDS were better assessed by Parkin score. Parkin score caused less discomfort to neonates.
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