An out-patient survey of wheezing pediatric patients


  • S.K. Nazeer Ahmed Department of Pediatrics, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh



Asthma, Pediatric patients, Wheezing


Background:Literature reports that approximately one in three children have at least one episode of wheezing prior to third birthday, and the cumulative prevalence of wheeze is almost 50% at the age of 6 years. Hence, an out-patient survey was planned and commenced to evaluate the common causes of wheezing in paediatric patients.

Methods: An out-patient survey of wheezing was conducted among 140 patients who reported with conditions giving rise to wheezing. These cases were investigated relevantly and followed upto 3 months. Obtained data was arranged according to characteristics and was expressed as a number and percentage of respondents and were analyzed using the SPSS Version 17 software.

Results:Bronchial asthma was diagnosed in 80 patients, worm infestation in 20, acute bronchiolitis in 12, tropical eosinophilia in 10, post measles bronchopneumonia in 8, acute bronchitis in 7 and primary complex in 3 patients. Maximum patients of bronchial asthma (69%), worm infestation (75%) and tropical eosinophilia (70%) were in 5-9 years age group. Maximum patients in case of bronchiolitis were in 7-12 months age group.

Conclusions:An out-patient survey revealed wheezing or noisy breath as one of the common symptoms with which children are brought to out-patient.       The present study found apart from bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections, worm infestations, and tropical eosinophilia constituted large percentage of cases.  


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How to Cite

Ahmed, S. N. (2016). An out-patient survey of wheezing pediatric patients. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 3(4), 1160–1163.



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