Prevalence of picky eating behavior and its impact on growth in preschool children


  • K. Pavan Kumar Department of paediatrics, MNR Medical College and Hospital, Sangareddy, Telangana, India
  • S. Srikrishna Consultant Pediatrician, NICE Foundation, Hyderabad, India
  • Indira Pavan Consultant Dermatologist, Omega Clinics, Hyderabad, India
  • Eshwara Chary Department of paediatrics, MNR Medical College and Hospital, Sangareddy, Telangana, India



Behavior, Parents, Picky eating, Prevalence


Background: Almost two-thirds of parents report one or more problems with their children’s eating. Although knowledge of the health-related outcomes of picky eating is limited due to a lack of longitudinal studies, research suggests that picky eating is associated with nutrient deficiency, underweight, behavioral problems and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Aim of present study was to assess the Parental perception and maternal strategies in solving feeding difficulties in relation with parenting style.

Methods: The present cross sectional study conducted on 1652 parents of preschool children of 1-6 yrs age group. A structured parental questionnaire was administered to parents by Pediatricians based on Stanford feeding Questionnaire on Child- parent feeding.

Results: About 58.9% of the children were found to be picky eaters. The prevalence is increasing with age and higher at 6 years age. The mean height and weight are seen affected significantly in picky eaters. Infantile Anorexia is the commonest type of Feeding difficulties, followed by Highly selective intake category. Commonest Parenting style is Authoritarian type, followed by Permissive parenting.

Conclusions: As the prevalence of picky eating behaviour is increasing with age, causing parental anxiety and conflict in the family, disrupting parent child bonding, Paediatricians should be thoroughly equipped with knowledge of different Feeding difficulties and their specific management and help parents in doing their best by correcting their parenting style.


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How to Cite

Kumar, K. P., Srikrishna, S., Pavan, I., & Chary, E. (2018). Prevalence of picky eating behavior and its impact on growth in preschool children. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 5(3), 714–719.



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