Outcome of individualized task related circuit training program on walking ability in a 9 years old female child with Moya-moya disease: a case report


  • Damayanti Sethy Department of Occupational Therapy, National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities, Kolkata, West Bengal, India




Endurance, Individualized task related circuit training, Moya-moya disease, Strength, Walking ability


Walking difficulty of childhood stroke due to Moya-moya disease needs functional rehabilitation to recover to a normal state of walking. Task related circuit training program is one of the rehabilitation programs that improve functional strength of lower limb muscles to aid in improved walking ability. This case report aimed at investigating the effectiveness of task related circuit training on walking ability of a 9 years old female child diagnosed with stroke due to Moya-moya Disease. The child was attending Indoor rehabilitation services, Department of Occupational Therapy, National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities, Kolkata, West Bengal. Baseline measurement of the child’s lower limb muscle strength, 10m walk test, 6-minute walk test was done prior to the circuit training. After baseline measurement, the child was explained the sequence of tasks to be used in circuit training and was given individualized task related circuit training for a session of 45 minutes, 3 days per week for 08 weeks. Post training the child showed improvement in lower limb muscle strength, 10m walk test (walking speed) and 6-minute walk test (walking endurance), thereby an improved walking ability.


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How to Cite

Sethy, D. (2018). Outcome of individualized task related circuit training program on walking ability in a 9 years old female child with Moya-moya disease: a case report. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 5(3), 1145–1149. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20181561



Case Reports