Study of morbidity pattern of children up to age of five years with special reference to osseous development
Morbidity, Mortality pattern, Nutritional status, Osseous development, Respiratory tract infection, Under five childrenAbstract
Background: The first few years of life are the most crucial period as this age is known for accelerated growth and development and any adverse influences during this period may result in severe limitations in their development which warrants regular monitoring.
Methods: The present study had been conducted to find out the total growth profile in relation to skeletal age, nutritional status and the disease pattern so as to give a clear idea of total growth profile in the age group of 3 months to 5 years. The cases were evaluated after proper history taking, clinical examination and conventional anthropometric measurements. The patients were divided in three different age groups as 3 months to 1 year, ≥1 to 3 years, and ≥3 to 5 years. Bone age was determined in all 52 cases by taking proper radiographs of both wrists and hands.
Results: It was observed that 16 (30.77%) were normal, 11 (21.15%) were in both grade I and II, 10 (19.23%), 4 (7.7) were grade III and IV respectively among 52 children. The mean weight was 7.06±1.65, 9.33±1.92 and 11.18±2.90 in the age groups of 3 months to 1 year, 1-3 years and 3-5 years respectively. The length/heights were 68.55±5.54, 79.44±7.54 and 91.97±10.15 in the age group of 3 months to 1 year, 1-3 years and 3-5 years respectively.
Conclusions: This study gave a true reflection of total growth of a child which comprised of anthropometrical measurement and skeletal development as the distribution of sex and racial distribution were not a factor. There was a statistical significant result in different three groups in regard to weight, length/height, head and chest circumference.
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