A prospective study of pattern of acute poisoning and treatment outcome in paediatric age group in tertiary care hospital of Konaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, India
Acute poisoning, Paediatric age, Treatment outcomeAbstract
Background: Konaseema region of Andhra Pradesh is little different from other area as it is the delta of Godavari river with agriculture and aqua main source of income to the people. This area has mainly rural establishment and no study has been conducted on children to know the pattern of acute poisoning and treatment outcome. Present study has been designed with an aim to study of the pattern of acute poisoning and treatment out come in Konaseema region of Andhra Pradesh.
Methods: In present study all the children from birth to 16 years of age who has been admitted in emergency department were recruited. Patients with snake bite, scorpion bites, unknown bites, idiosyncratic reaction to prescribed drugs, food poisoning were excluded from this study. Information were obtained from mother of the patients in most of the cases but father or other guardian were also interview if mother was not available. A pre-designed questionnaire was used for collection of data. This contains demography data of the patient, profile of poisoning, symptoms of the patient presenting with and the outcome of the treatment.
Results: Insecticide and pesticides poisoning patients were 122 but of that 60 were organophosphorus, 30 were organochlorines, 10 were carbamates, 20 were rat poisoning and two pts were having herbicides and fungicides poisoning. Fourteen patients were having poisoning by house hold things out of then, four having kerosene oil poisoning, 6 patients having turpentine oil poisoning, two patients with phenyl and rest two patients with KMnO4 poisoning.
Conclusions: In Konaseema region pesticides, insecticides and rodenticides are used commonly in agricultural fields and easily available that is the reason for its poisoning in paediatric age group, so awareness about the proper handling of pesticides container and use is required to reduce the incidence.
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