Clinical profile of somatic symptom and related disorders in children
DSM 5, Somatic symptoms, StressorsAbstract
Background: Somatic symptom disorder is characterized by somatic symptoms that are either very distressing or result in significant disruption of functioning, as well as excessive and disproportionate thoughts, feeling and behavior regarding those symptoms. The objective of this study was to study the clinical profile of patients presenting with somatic symptom and related disorders and to attempt to identify the stressors in these children.
Methods: An open labelled, unidirectional and prospective study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital on 60 children in 5 to 16-year age group over a period of 18 months.
Results: The overall prevalence of somatic symptom and related disorders was 60 (0.2%). In the present study, 35 (58.3%) were males and 25 (41.7%) were females. 50% patients belonged to the >8 years and ≤12-year age group. 51.7% had average IQ. 31 (51.7%) patients belonged to lower middle class. Out of the total 60 patients, 46 (76.7%) belonged to a nuclear family. Parents with a post graduate degree had less number of children (3.3%) presenting with somatic symptoms. The most common presenting symptom reported was generalized pain by 30 (50.0%) among somatic symptoms and Pseudo seizures (33.3%) among conversion symptoms. Family issues (most common stressor) was found in 38 (63.3%) subjects. 30 (50.0%) patients had authoritarian parents. 46.7% of those counselled did not require any further intervention. As per the life events scale, the mean was 4.43.
Conclusions: In the present study, the most important areas in which stress was apparent was in school and family. Our study highlights the need for a joint effort by parents, pediatricians, psychiatrists and teachers to help our children cope with the stress of today’s fast paced competitive world.
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