To study the correlation of high sensitivity C reactive protein levels with asthma control in children
Asthma control, Children, Correlation, GINA guidelines, hsCRPAbstract
Background: Childhood asthma appears to be increasing in prevalence despite advancements in the care of asthma. In asthma, local as well as systemic inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis. Thus successful management depends on controlling this inflammation by appropriate doses of inhaled corticosteroids. High sensitivity C reactive protein (hsCRP) is an easily measurable marker of inflammation and its level can be used as a diagnostic tool in assessing control of asthma. The objective of this study was study the correlation of serum hsCRP levels with asthma control in children
Methods: It is an observational study conducted in the Pediatric asthma clinic of a Government Medical College in south India. The study population consisted of 75 asthmatic children aged 5-15 years. Children with persistent asthma were classified into three groups based on GINA guidelines. Serum hsCRP levels were measured in all the three groups.
Results: Among the 75 children 33% belonged to controlled group, 35% to uncontrolled group and 33% to partly controlled group. There was a significant difference in hsCRP levels between controlled and uncontrolled groups. The mean value of hsCRP in controlled group was 0.93±1.3 mg/L whereas in the uncontrolled group it was 2.73±2.46 mg/L. Higher levels of hsCRP were found in the uncontrolled asthma group.
Conclusions: There is an inverse correlation between hsCRP levels and asthma control in children. High hsCRP levels have a potential to be used as a surrogate marker for poor control of asthma and can thus be used as a guide for adjustment of dosage of inhaled corticosteroids.
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