Clinical profile of Candidiasis in neonates


  • Latha G. S. Department of Pediatrics, SSIMS and RC, Devanagere, Karnataka, India
  • Veeresh Babu D. V. Department of Pediatrics, SSIMS and RC, Devanagere, Karnataka, India
  • Thejraj H. K. Department of Pediatrics, SSIMS and RC, Devanagere, Karnataka, India



Birth asphyxia, Candidiameia, Oral candidiasis


Background: Opportunistic infections are increasing in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Neonates often have compromised skin integrity, gastrointestinal tract disease, chronic malnutrition, central venous catheters, long term endotracheal intubation and other factors that lead to increased risk of acquiring such infections. Infections with fungi (candida) and with coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are especially prevalent. The need of study is to know the clinical profile of candidiasis in neonates in our setup and to determine associated risk factors of candidiasis.

Methods: The present study was undertaken by Dept of paediatrics, SSIMS and RC Davangere among 296 neonates of which 96 babies admitted in NICU and 200 were in PNC ward to study clinical profile of candidiasis in neonates and risk factors associated with them. Parents of 296 babies were interviewed using preformed study proforma. Clinical examination was done and investigations included KOH examination of oral swab, Gram stain of the swab and blood culture of suspected sepsis babies. There are several factors associated with development of neonatal candidiosis. Of them, prematurity, LBW, perinatal birth asphyxia, long term antibiotics, central venous catheters, mechanical ventilation, septicemia, played a major role in development of candidosis.

Results: In the present study, incidence of candidiasis in neonates revealed 13.8% of babies admitted in NICU. Male babies out numbered the female babies in incidence of candidiasis in neonates. Males formed 69% and females 31% of positive cases. Most of neonates admitted in NICU (96) were of low birth weight between 1.5kg to 2.5 kg. Out of which most of cases positive for candidiasis/candidemia were belonged to 1.0-1.5 kg. In present study, 13 babies were positive for candidiasis, of which 5 babies (38.3%) were of birth weight between 1-1.5kg. Birth asphyxia alone or with mechanical ventilation played an important risk factor in development of candidiasis in neonates. In present study, birth asphyxia and mechanical ventilation per se had played a significant role in development of candidiasis in neonates admitted in NICU.

Conclusions: The present study revealed the clinical profile of candidiasis in neonates associated with various risk factors. Study shows that low birth weight, birth asphyxia and mechanical ventilation were significant risk factors for candidiasis in neonates. Blood cultures were positive in babies without mucosal lesions suggesting the importance of diagnosing fungal sepsis. 


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How to Cite

S., L. G., V., V. B. D., & K., T. H. (2017). Clinical profile of Candidiasis in neonates. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 4(5), 1875–1880.



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