Goldenhar syndrome: a rare entity


  • Tariq Harris Department of Paediatrics , Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Mangalore- 575001
  • Mohammed Abdul Bashith Department of Paediatrics , Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Mangalore- 575001
  • Manas M. Shanbhag Department of Paediatrics , Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Mangalore- 575001
  • Moideen Faheem Department of Paediatrics , Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Mangalore- 575001



Goldenhar syndrome, High arched palate, Malformed pinna, Preauricular tag


Goldenhar syndrome was first described by Maurice Goldenhar in 1952 it involves abnormalities in the first and second branchial arches. This syndrome appears to have varying degree of presentation from mild to severe form. Different pathophysiological mechanisms have been proposed .Oculo auriculo vertebral syndrome which includes reduction in blood flow resulting in focal haemorrhage in the first and second branchial arches. In addition there may be cardiac vertebral and CNS defects. A male baby 30-32 wks, preterm SGA was admitted in NICU for evaluation of Congenital Malformations which includes swelling of the anterior border of both eyes with b/l preauricular ear tags, malformed pinna, high arched palate and micrognatia ophthalmology examination revealed b/l limbal dermoid inferotemporal aspect. ECHO done revealed ASD 4mm.CT scan showed obstructive hydrocephalus. Treatment of the condition varies according to the severity. Ophthalmic treatment aimed first because of amblyogenic risk. Craniofacial surgery in view of severe micrognathia systemic treatment may be related to cardiac, renal and CNS malformations. Goldenhar Syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly, with cosmetic defects whose treatment may pose numerous challenges with multidisciplinary approach for optimal management.


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How to Cite

Harris, T., Bashith, M. A., Shanbhag, M. M., & Faheem, M. (2017). Goldenhar syndrome: a rare entity. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 4(5), 1897–1899.