Respiratory morbidity in term neonates following elective caesarean section
Cesarean section, Respiratory morbidity, Term neonateAbstract
Background: Cesarean sections continue to increase day by day in both developed and developing countries. The chances of respiratory morbidity are more in babies born by C-section compared to normal deliveries due to absence of squeezing of lung during delivery and also absence of changes in maternal-fetal hormonal milieu. As gestation progresses lung maturation improves and less chances of respiratory morbidity. The objective of this study is to determine respiratory morbidity and to correlate weeks of gestation and respiratory morbidity in term neonates following elective C- section.
Methods: The records of babies born by elective C-section in Father Muller Medical College Hospital between 1st June 2015 to 31st May 2016 were reviewed data entered in predesigned proforma and analyzed.
Results: A total 324 babies were included in the study, of which 89, 123, 77 and 35 babies were born in 37th, 38th, 39th and >40 weeks of gestation. 28 babies had developed respiratory morbidity requiring NICU admission. 17.6% of babies born in 37th week, 5.6% of 38th week, 5.1% of 39th week and 2.8% of babies born >40weeks had developed respiratory illness. Type of morbidity varied from tachypnea (89.2%), grunt (75%), needing CPAP (7%), needing mechanical ventilation (3.5%).
Conclusions: This study suggests that respiratory morbidity increases in elective C-sections and as gestation progresses the respiratory morbidity decreases.
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