The clinical evaluation of the infants of diabetic mothers (IDMS) born in a tertiary care hospital
Glycemic control, Infants of diabetic mothers, Suboptimal optimal, Septal hypertrophyAbstract
Background: The clinical evaluation of the infants of diabetic mothers (IDMs) born in a tertiary care hospital. It was a prospective study carried out at tertiary care hospital.
Methods: 34 infants born of diabetic mother over the period from January 2012 to December 2012 were included in the study.
Results: Infants born of the diabetic mothers who had suboptimal glycemic control during pregnancy had maximal functional and structural complication. Respiratory Distress was the commonest complication seen in 20 (58.82%) IDMs followed by Hypoglycemia in 15 (44.11%) and congenital anomalies in 16 (47.05%) cases. Septal hypertrophy was the most common cardiac anomaly observed in 6 (17.64%) PDA in 3 (8.82%), only 1 (2.94%) IDM had combination of ASD, Fallot variant and VSD is seen in 2 (5.88%) of infant.
Conclusions: In current study, metabolic and structural complication are more common in the infant of the diabetic mother with poor glycemic control.
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