Study of blood sugar levels in high risk neonates using glucometer method and laboratory glucose oxidase peroxidase method


  • Yogesh P. Mehta Department of Pediatrics, Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Baliram P. Munde Department of Pediatrics, Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Accuracy, Capillary blood, Glucose estimation, Neonatal hypoglycemia


Background: The glucose oxidase method used for determining the blood glucose concentration is time consuming, requires more quantity of blood and rapid glycolysis of red blood cells glucose which mandates early estimation using faster techniques. A blood glucose method requiring one drop of blood and giving reliable results within a minute would help greatly in identifying and treating the infants who require extra carbohydrate. Glucometers have the advantage of being simpler, uses less quantity of blood, quick reading and can be handled even by unskilled personnel. Hence, there is a need to know the efficacy and accuracy of glucometer used in our set up.

Methods: About 150 infants admitted in NICU and high risk neonates in post-natal ward in department of pediatrics at our Hospital from June 2014 to June 2015 were included in the study. The blood samples were collected immediately after birth or within 5 minutes of admission. Comparison of variables representing categorical data (between two markers) were estimated by Chi Square Test. Sensitivity, Specificity and Predictive Values of Glucometer were calculated by using formulas. All values will be reported based on two-sided and all the statistical tests were interpreted at 5% level of significance level (i.e. p <0.05).

Results: After the comparison between glucometer and laboratory method, results show that blood glucose estimation using capillary blood has an excellent pick-up rate of detecting neonatal hypoglycemia. More than 93% of the proven cases of hypoglycemia proved by lab method] were diagnosed when blood glucose estimation with glucometer was done. The overall pick-up rate of hypoglycemia by glucometer is very good compared to the laboratory method.

Conclusions: Blood glucose estimation using Glucometer method is an effective method in detecting neonatal hypoglycemia.


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How to Cite

Mehta, Y. P., & Munde, B. P. (2017). Study of blood sugar levels in high risk neonates using glucometer method and laboratory glucose oxidase peroxidase method. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 4(4), 1185–1192.



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