A study on HbA1c profile in children with asthma using inhaled corticosteroids


  • Sunil Daniel Department of Pediatrics, Govt. TDMCH, Alappuzha, Kerala, India
  • Jose O. Department of Pediatrics, Govt. TDMCH, Alappuzha, Kerala, India




Bronchial asthma, HbA1c, Inhaled corticosteroids


Background: Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are the mainstay of treatment for persistent bronchial asthma in children. Even though ICS is comparatively safe, few systemic toxicities have been reported. We have conducted a study on HbA1c profile of 170 asthmatic children who are on ICS for atleast 6 months. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting blood sugar (FBS), Postprandial blood sugar (PPBS) levels were measured before initiating ICS and after 6 months using venous blood samples. HbA1c measured using immunoassay. The objective of the study was to detect prevalence of significant hyperglycemia among children with asthma who are on inhaled corticosteroids. Study design used as a prospective follow up study, setting of the study was to Pediatric asthma clinic, Govt. TDMCH, Alappuzha, Study population used Children between 3 to 12 years attending pediatric asthma clinic.

Methods: Cumulative doses of ICS and bronchodialators were measured by providing an asthma diary to mark the dose of medication. FBS, PPBS, and HbA1c levels were measured before initiating ICS and after 6 months. To elucidate the assosiations comparisons between different parameters Chi-square test was used as non-parametric test. Student’s T- test was used to compare mean values between 2 groups and different groups. Initial and follow up two groups of HbA1c and ICS administrations were compared using paired and unpaired T-test.

Results: There is a significant increase in the mean HbA1c of the total study population before and after treatment with ICS.

Conclusions: Long term use of ICS can affect glucose metabolism of asthmatic children. 


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