A study on antibiotic prescription among the hospitalized pediatric patients at a referral center in Puducherry, India


  • M. Bala Gopal Department of Pediatrics, Sri Manakulavinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, India
  • P. Thiyagarajan Department of Pediatrics, Sri Manakulavinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, India
  • Vinayagamoorthy Venugopal Department of Community Medicine, Sri Manakulavinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, India
  • Venkata Naveen Kumar Department of Pharmacology, Sri Manakulavinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, India




Antibiotic, Microbial, Resistance


Background: Antimicrobial resistance has reached to a significant proportion globally. This antimicrobial resistance increases the cost of health care in addition to the existing burden of the prevalence of infectious disease in developing countries. We need to have institutional protocols based on the standard guidelines. It is important for the clinician to use antibiotics only when it is necessary. The aim of the study was to analyze the rationality of the antibiotics used among the hospitalized children in the referral centre located in the rural area, to evaluate the pattern of antibiotics prescribed among the hospitalized children and to find out the factors associated with the usage of antibiotics among them.  

Methods: Analytical, cross sectional study was performed on all patients admitted to the inpatient pediatric medical service at a referral centre situated in the rural part of the Puducherry, India during the period from July 2015 to June 2016.

Results: 959 children were included in our study.607 children belong to less than 5 years of age group. Overall 60% of the children have received either oral or parenteral antibiotics. Based on the categorization of children as per the final clinical diagnosis children requiring antibiotic, can be used and not required are 13% (125), 38.6% (370) and 48.4% (464) respectively. Respiratory, gastrointestinal and systemic infectious diseases were the major group of cases admitted in our centre. Antibiotic use in respiratory and systemic infectious disease were maximum with 248 (70.1%) and 179 (71.6%) respectively. Among the antibiotics cephalosporin, penicillin group and azithromycin constitute more than 90% of the antibiotics prescribed cases.

Conclusions: Overuse of antibiotic is universal and seen in both developed and developing countries. This increases the cost of treatment and increases the chances of microbial resistance. As per the W.H.O. recommendations surveillance system is required in all the hospitals to assess the antibiotic use and to monitor the prevalence of microbial resistance. 


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Author Biography

M. Bala Gopal, Department of Pediatrics, Sri Manakulavinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, India

associate professor,department of pediatrics.


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How to Cite

Gopal, M. B., Thiyagarajan, P., Venugopal, V., & Kumar, V. N. (2017). A study on antibiotic prescription among the hospitalized pediatric patients at a referral center in Puducherry, India. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 4(3), 700–705. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20170922



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