An interesting case of dengue masquerading a splenic brucellosis
Dengue fever, Brucellosis, Splenic abscess, Coinfection of zoonoses, Unpasteurised cattle milkAbstract
Mixed infections or co-infections are not uncommon in dengue fever which can occur as a result of transient suppression of host immunity by unknown mechanisms or as a part of its complication. Brucellosis co infection or post dengue complication can occur due to the indigenous practice of consumption of raw unpasteurized cattle milk. Here is a case report of a 14-year-old girl who presented with dengue fever but then continued to have persistence of fever spikes with abdominal pain requiring administration of antibiotics as well as upgradation, on evaluation was found to have splenic abscess with prior history of ingestion of raw goat’s milk with serology suggestive of Brucellosis. This case report was done to elucidate the likelihood of co infection of zoonoses like dengue and brucellosis and the importance of consideration of brucellosis as a differential in cases of unresolving pyrexia post dengue fever especially in countries with wide prevalence of this practice of consumption of unpasteurized cattle milk.
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