Accuracy of pulse oximetry versus arterial blood gas in screening cyanotic heart
Transcutaneous pulse oximeter, Arterial blood oxygen saturation, Cyanotic heart disease, ChildrenAbstract
Background: A study was planned To determine the performance and accuracy of pulse oximetry in children with cyanotic heart diseases compared with arterial oxygen saturation measurements from arterial blood gas analysis and to use transcutaneous pulse oximeter as the first line of non-invasive investigation to diagnose cyanotic heart diseases in peripheral and rural health facilities where echocardiography may not be readily available.
Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in Safdarjung Hospital. Children with cyanotic congenital heart disease were enrolled the data was analyzed by using PASW Statistics version 19.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, US). Frequency and percentage was calculated for categorical variables. Mean and standard deviation was calculated for continuous variables. Chi‑square test and Fisher’s exact test was used to compare categorical variables. Correlation was assessed between ABG and SpO2.
Results: A total number of 40 children were enrolled. There was a significant correlation between transcutaneous oxygen saturations and arterial oxygen saturation statistically.
Conclusions: The pulse oximeter detected oxygen saturation comparable to arterial oxygen saturation in all the patients with cyanotic heart diseases, even though most of them did not present with clinically significant cyanosis.
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