Rate of early initiation of breast-feeding among mothers delivered in a tertiary care maternity centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study
Breastfeeding, Early initiation, Delay in initiation, NewbornAbstract
Background: Breastfeeding is the first step to the path of a healthy future for a child. The aim of the study was to estimate the rate of early initiation of breastfeeding in a tertiary care maternal and children’s hospital.
Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among 370 postnatal mothers delivered in a tertiary care maternity centre. Consecutively selected willing mothers having a live baby were included. Early initiation of breastfeeding, socio-demographic, clinical, neonatal and other variables were collected using a validated, structured questionnaire, checklist and record review.
Results: The rate of early initiation among the mothers were 80.8 (95%CI 76.4 to 84.6) and the delay was found among 71 participants. The main reasons for delay were baby shifted to ICU, maternal complications during intra-natal and immediate postnatal period ad baby not given to mother following delivery. Mean time of initiation of breastfeeding was 49 minutes (IQR 46.3 to 55 minutes).
Conclusions: The rate of early initiation of breastfeeding in the setting is very good, but it can still be improved. Nurses are the major group of health workers giving antenatal counselling, but the part of antenatal breast examination need to be improved. They can be empowered as trained lactation managers.
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