A case report on anti-epileptic drugs associated cerebral palsy and rickets


  • Sunil K. Behera Department of Doctor of Pharmacy, CMR College of Pharmacy, Kandlakoya, Medchal, Telangana, India
  • Divya Amaravadi Department of Pharm. D, CMR College of Pharmacy, Kandlakoya, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Gurnoor Suman Department of Doctor of Pharmacy, CMR College of Pharmacy, Kandlakoya, Medchal, Telangana, India
  • N. Shri Hala Department of Doctor of Pharmacy, CMR College of Pharmacy, Kandlakoya, Medchal, Telangana, India
  • Arvini Shreya Department of General Medicine, Gandhi Hospital, Telangana, India




AEDs, Vitamin D, Cerebral palsy, Rickets, Seizures


Seizures are incredibly widespread all around the world, today. A seizure is often described as a transient alteration in the electrical activity of the brain. This required the treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). The majority of AEDs lower vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is found to be crucial for intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate which helps to build and mineralize bones. Vitamin D deficiency has been seen to be a causative reason for cerebral palsy which is a neurological illness that affects movement and muscle coordination, permanently. It has been observed to manifest in infancy or early childhood due to vitamin D deficiency due to long term use of AEDs making it severe due to malnourishment. This case reports the use of antiepileptic drugs leading to cerebral palsy due to vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, by this case report we want to alert the readers and healthcare professionals about the possible adverse effects of AEDs and to be aware of them.


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How to Cite

Behera, S. K., Amaravadi, D., Suman, G., Hala, N. S., & Shreya, A. (2023). A case report on anti-epileptic drugs associated cerebral palsy and rickets. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 10(4), 604–606. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20230748



Case Reports