Prospective longitudinal observational study in assessing prognostic accuracy of sequential organ failure assessment and quick-sequential organ failure assessment scores in detecting morbidity and mortality in critically ill children
Sepsis, SOFA, Q-SOFAAbstract
Background: The objective of the study was to assess prognostic accuracy of SOFA (sequential organ failure assessment score) and Q-SOFA (quick-sequential organ failure assessment) score in detecting morbidity and mortality in critically ill children admitted in our intensive care unit.
Methods: All critically ill children admitted were recruited over a time period of 7 months. Q-SOFA score was assessed at presentation, followed by SOFA score on day 1 and day 2 of ICU stay and outcome was observed.
Results: Total of 272 sick children were recruited and assessed. All eight (2.94%) mortalities had high Q-SOFA score of three (p<0.001), mean SOFA (day 1) score 11.12±0.99 (p<0.001), mean SOFA (day 2) was 11.62±1.40 (p<0.001).
Conclusions: Q-SOFA is a simple, inexpensive and rapid test to assess and predict sick children requiring ICU care in emergency department. High SOFA score predicts high probability of mortality and detects organ failure early.
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