Pattern of admission and clinical outcome of patients admitted in pediatric intensive care unit of a rural tertiary health care centre
Mortality, Morbidity pattern, Intensive care unit, ChildrenAbstract
Background: In the treatment of critically ill children needing specialized airway, respiratory, and hemodynamic assistance, intensive care has become very necessary and is typically admitted into the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in order to ensure a better result than if the patients were admitted to other sections of the hospital. To audit admissions and their findings are significant, which may help to change procedures after extensive introspection if appropriate, leading to improved patient outcomes. Objective were to examine pattern of admission and clinical outcome of patients admitted in the pediatric intensive care unit of a rural tertiary health care centre.
Methods: Information retrieved included age, sex, diagnosis, outcome, morbidity and mortality profile of patients admitted in PICU in the last five years.
Results: A total of 2810 patients were admitted into PICU. (1444) 51.3% were infants, and (1366) 48.6% patients aged 1-18 years. Their ages ranged from one month to 18 years, with the mean age being 40.01 ± 45.79 months. There were 1948 (69.3%) male and 862 (30.3%) female patients giving an M: F ratio of 2.27:1. The overall mortality rate was 2.4%.
Conclusions: In our PICU, mortality is low. We believe that the treatment of critically ill patients with desirable results is significantly facilitated by a well-equipped intensive care unit with advanced and creative intensive care in order to improve cost-effective patient care and prevent needless stretching of the PICU services, an extension of the pediatric wards is advocated.
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