Study the iron status in children with febrile seizures: a hospital based cross sectional study
Febrile seizures, Iron status, Neurotransmitters, Serum ferritin, Serum ironAbstract
Background: Febrile seizures are most common among childhood seizures, accounts to 2% to 5% in children below 5 years of age. Iron deficiency can cause many neurological deficits and may lower the seizure threshold. The present study was conducted to determine the iron status in children with febrile seizures.
Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Pediatrics, HIMS, Dehradun, over a period of 12 month from January 2018 to December 2018. A total of 105 children of age group 6 month to 5 years, coming to pediatrics department were included in the study. Total study subjects were divided into two groups, Group I (febrile seizure) and Group II (other than febrile seizure). A consecutive sampling method was done for selection of study subjects.
Results: In Group I (febrile seizure), the number of males were 71.7% while females were 28.3% with male: female ratio of 2.5:1. In Group I (febrile seizure), 61.7% of subjects had deficient iron level while 38.3% of subjects had normal serum iron level. Our study shows significantly low mean serum ferritin and mean serum iron level in subjects with febrile seizures.
Conclusions: We concluded that iron deficiency is more common in febrile seizures and there is a positive association between serum iron level and febrile seizures.
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