Third trimester maternal blood and at birth cord blood lipid profile characteristics in pregnant woman with or without fetal growth restriction
Intrauterine growth restriction, Lipid profile, Neonates, Pregnancy, 3rd trimester pregnancyAbstract
Background: To study the lipid profile of 3rd trimester pregnant women and their cord blood with and without intrauterine growth restriction Design: Observational study, Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Neonatology, in a teaching hospital in North India during February 2013 to August 2014.
Methods: Third trimester pregnant women and their neonates. Enrolled 250 women were divided in intrauterine growth restricted and control groups. Outcome Measures: Venous blood Lipid levels of 3rd trimester mothers and their neonate at birth.
Results: Women of IUGR group had significantly lowered total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high density lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL)210.2 (19.8), 221.6 (36.2),65.4(11.7)and 130.7 (20.8)compared to 251(55.3), 234.7(35.6), 70.8(19.9) and 181.3(16.8) mg/dl control group. The TC, TG and LDL levels in cord blood of IUGR group were 93.6(16.5), 50.4 (6.5) and 51.8(12.6) as compared 106.4(17.7), 30.7(4.4) and 55.9(12.1) mg/dl to control group (p value <0.05). HDL levels were significantly lower 15.8(4.6) in IUGR group as compared to 26.5(5.4) in control group. The LDL: HDL and TC: HDL ratio was significantly higher in IUGR group. Maternal weight, gestational age, urban residence, primi parity, birth weight and APGAR score were lower, while maternal age, parity, smoking, blood pressure, cesarean sections (%) and male sex (%) of baby was higher in IUGR group.
Conclusions: Lipid profile of mothers of IUGR fetuses had significantly lowered cholesterol levels and their cord blood had shown atherogenic phenotype
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