Changes in the physiological parameters of newborns in the first one hour of life
Heart rate, Meconium stain, Low birth weight, TemperatureAbstract
Background: The transition from a fetus to a newborn is the most complex adaptation that occurs in human experience. This study assessed three physiological parameters viz. temperature (core and peripheral), oxygen saturation and heart rate so as to avoid the delay in normal transitional adaptation.
Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was done at Narayana Medical College Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India. A total of 150 neonates born from June 2017 to February 2018 were monitored for heart rate, oxygen saturation, core and peripheral temperature from birth to 60 minutes.
Results: Most of the mother’s (45.33%) were aged between 22 to 25 years and the mean age was 23.75±3.64 years. History of consanguineous marriage was noted in 33.33%. The mode of delivery was vaginal in 70.67% of the babies. The mean gestational age was 38.74±1.36 weeks. The birth weight among 62% of the babies was between 2.5 to 3.49 Kgs and mean birth weight was 2.81±0.49 kgs. The meconium stained liquor and requirement of resuscitation was noted in 9.33% and 10.67% respectively.
Conclusions: Significant difference was noted with regard to heart rate in babies with active resuscitation, low birth weight (<2.5 kg), meconium stained liquor and warmer care compared to normal babies. There was variation in oxygen saturation in babies who required resuscitation and warmer care, and those who had low birth weight. The mean peripheral and core temperature were different in babies with abdominal care compared to warmer care.
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