Female child presenting with Duchenne muscular dystrophy like phenotype: severe childhood autosomal recessive muscular dystrophy: a rare case report
Muscular dystrophy, Sarcoglycanopathy, SCARMDAbstract
Severe Childhood Autosomal Recessive Muscular Dystrophy (SCARMD) is a variant of sarcoglycanopathy resulting from mutation in the sarcoglycan genes. SCARMD is a rare form of muscular dystrophy characterised by severe DMD like phenotype occurring at early ages and affecting boys as well as girls. Here we are reporting a case of 7year old female child born to 3rd degree consanguineous parents presented with proximal muscle weakness beginning in both lower limbs since4 years of age. On thorough clinical examination and laboratory evaluation child turned out to be SCARMD. Hence this case report emphasizes that suspicion of SCARMD has to be made when female children presented with features of DMD, and genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis should be done to reduce the burden of the disease in the community.
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