Evaluation of neuro-developmental outcome among babies with meconium aspiration syndrome
Foetal distress, MAS, Neuro-developmental outcomeAbstract
Background:Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) is respiratory distress in a neonates caused by the presence of meconium in the tracheobronchial airways. Despite adequate management, there is a high risk of morbidity in the form of seizures, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, respiratory problems of childhood and mortality. Hence, this study was performed in view of developmental issues concerning young infants and pre-school children as maximum brain growth happens in the first three years of life.
Methods: This was a prospective study conducted in Chandulal Chandrakar memorial hospital, Bhilai from 1st September 2013 to 31st February 2015, with history of meconium stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) in both out-born and in-born neonates. Neonates after meeting inclusion criteria were included in the study. The data were recorded in pre-designed proforma. The data were analyzed using appropriate Chi square test. Level of significance was set at p <0.05.
Results:Incidence of MAS was significantly more in children of >2.5 kgs (80%) and common in primiparous mothers (60%) with lower segmental caesarian sections. MAS commonly seen in post -term babies (53.33%) than those of term (36.66%) or pre-term (10%) gestation. Fetal distress was the common complication observed in most of the cases (91.1%) and one death related to this was noted. At the end of 1 year there were predominantly more children (40%) who developed respiratory morbidities. Delayed development was seen among 13.3% children, transient tone abnormalities were noted in about 2% of infants.
Conclusions:The findings of the present study suggest that neonates diagnosed with MAS displayed neuro-developmental delay in13% cases. This study gave an overview of all meconium aspiration cases and the neuro-developmental outcome in these babies. However further research should be done with large sample size to confirm these findings.
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